Milton Golf Club Evening Walk
Thu 21 Jul Thursday Walkers Peterborough Milton Golf Club Evening Walk
Please note that there are changes to the previously published details for the Peterborough Ramblers Fish and Chip Night on Thursday 21st July. There are different joining arrangements depending on whether or not you are walking before the supper.
For those walking before the supper
Meet at Milton Ferry (PE5 7BU) map/grid ref: 227/TL140984 (not at Milton Golf Club) at 17.30 (not 18.00) for a walk along the boardwalk and through Ferry Meadows. 6km (4 miles)
This will allow plenty of time to arrive at the Golf Club for 19.00 for a 19.30 sit down.
For those joining for the supper only
Meet in the Milton Golf Club car park (PE6 7AG), map/grid ref: 227/TL138985 at 19.00 for a 19.30 supper in the clubhouse,
The supper is by ticket only. Cost £8.00.
The list of those attending the fish and chip night is attached. Please let Joyce know if there are any changes, errors or if there is anybody who would like to be added to the list. The last date for any additions/alterations is Thursday 30th June.