The Draft Strategic Plan: Peterborough Ramblers at the Extraordinary General Meeting
The Ramblers Draft Strategic Plan
Peterborough Ramblers have been very much engaged with the Ramblers concerning the creation of a strategic plan, and on Saturday 25th November 2023 our chairman Barry Creamer attended an Extraordinary General Ramblers Meeting in Manchester to discuss and approve a Draft 10 year Strategic Plan. Around 100 members attended.
Here’s Barry’s report which was made to the Peterborough Ramblers AGM in November 2013.
Behind the plan are the fundamental values of the Ramblers, that we are Inclusive, Inspiring, Empowering and Responsible.
Four key Aims and Objectives were set out…
- Members access to paths and Rights of Way.
- Knowledge and confidence to walk outdoors.
- Improved participation of communities.
- Support for Ramblers’ charitable cause.
The meeting received a presentation from Ross Maloney – C. E. And Rebecca Dawson – Chair of Trustees and this included some details of the Ramblers most noted achievements since 2014.
- 500,000 Group walk completed
- 49,000 lost paths saved
- Opening the Cwmbran Way
- Hastings – awarded Best Walking Neighboured
- Paths to Wellbeing – 10,000 walkers attended
- Isle of Wight – 250 access gates installed
We then had an open discussion on the Draft Document Proposal in which Barry contributed three key points on our behalf…
- The Strategic Plan must support existing members and Groups with Engagement and practical support to maintain and strengthen, responding to everyday issues faced.
- The Plan would need to be realistic, and deliverable within the resources of Groups.
- The Plan should also reflect over the first 5 years basic steps to move towards the Plans Aims. A yearly action plan to direct and maintain changes is therefore required.
Approximately 100 members attended and we were assured the Draft would address the concerns and comments expressed before being offered for approval.
A common concern that the Ramblers H Q. team did not always seem to understand and address the members and the reservations and concerns groups may have.
On behalf of Peterborough Ramblers Barry voted to approve the Draft Plan; based on the assurances given above.
The Committee of Peterborough Ramblers warmly thanked Barry for attending on behalf of Peterborough Ramblers, and for representing our views.