Milton Ferry: the walk in picture(s)

Commentary by Tony

I regret the Milton Ferry walk only resulted in one photograph which is seen here, but I did find a picture of the bridge on Wikipedia which is also reproduced below.

The Wiki article does not cite a copyright owner, but if I am informed of one I will either add the owner’s details or remove the photograph, whatever is required.

Here’s the bridge…







I did find one more picture of the area and this picture, taken straight down the river, comes from CanalPlan, again with no copyright notice.

If I am infringing a copyright please email and the picture will of course either be removed or have the copyright owner’s details placed here, as the owner wishes.

However, the fun (for me although probably not for anyone else) did not stop there as is a Milton Ferry Bridge in Queensland Australia.

Of course not being very observant I almost used this picture without realising, but finally my powers of observation returned and it did strike me that the picture below did not look like part of the territory that Peterborough Ramblers normally walk.

If you are on a walk and have either a camera or a contemporary phone that can take pictures please do send the resultant snaps (as they are no longer called) to with a note saying which walk they relate to.   Descriptions of the walk are welcome but I will accept pictures alone, and make up the walk details, just to be obtuse.  The place below really is Milton Ferry Bridge, down under.

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