Wakerly Woods: the tea that followed
Pictures by Marja Dolby.
Commentary by Tony Attwood
You may well recall that details and pictures from the Wakerly Walk were posted on the site a few days ago. If not, you are still able to traverse time and revisit the walk itself by clicking the link below.
But first here are two pictures that Marja took of the celebrations at the end of the walk. My apologies for not being there, but I had a grand daughter’s appearance in “Great Expectations” to attend, and so rushed forth upon the conclusion.
But these pictures show me exactly what I missed, and I am deeply sorry not to have joined in the event.
So now I am wondering if we can’t find some other occasion in which we can also have just such a wonderful spread in which I can also indulge.
I mean I know this was a Coronation and all that, but there must be something else we can celebrate. How about National Ramblers Day?
A day perchance, when everyone is encouraged to Ramble somewhere. Followed by a spread as wonderful as this one looks.
I’m sorry to have missed it. Here’s the link to the pictures and report of the walk beforehand.