Lutton the additional pictures
A range of pictures of the Lutton walk were published in February but subsequently, two more arrived, and I have as ever, been incredibly slow at putting them on line.
But he they are, both being taken by Tom.
And to ensure that you don’t think that visiting a page just to see two pictures (excellent though these pictures are in my inexpert opinion I have also found a picture of Lutton Church and have added that below.
The earlier publication on the Lutton walk, complete with pictures (although not the same pictures as these as that would be rather silly) can be found here.
According to the last census Lutton has a population of 186 people and that suggests that the average Ramblers walk enhances the local population by around a further 11%.
It is good to know that we have a purpose.
The final picture is the one from Wiki and it tells us that The oldest parts of the Church of England parish church of St Peter are 12th-century. North and south aisles and arcades were added to the nave in the 13th century. The church is a Grade I listed building