The Ryhall walk part 2
Pictures from Jackie Markley, rambling nonsense from Tony.
As you will have noticed from the Ryhall pictures and notes already published the dominant feature on the walk was the horned beasts that roam the area.
And so here in this second set of photographs we see yet more such creatures complete with a baby version, known I think as a beastette. Or possibly beast minor.
Now a Beast Minor is of course a bit like a Morris Minor but without the wheels, and the fact that each of our intrepid photographers takes pictures individually without reference to a higher authority, and yet come up with the same creatures in the images, shows that the horned beast is in fact that main lifeform of Ryhall.
And yet wiki says the village name does not mean The Village of the Meandering Beast (with offspring) as you might assume but actually Rye Nook.
Now a nook as I am sure you will know is a bend in the River which in this case is a tributary of the Welland. And this may well be a picture of said nook, although the bend is, as we editors say, just around the corner.
Elsewhere we may note that Ramblers of course don’t ramble in churches – that would be silly – but the church in the village dates back to the 13th century, and is therefore officially Very Old. St Tibba, the patron saint of falconers came from the area and lived therein in the 7th century, was buried in the village and then dug up and moved to Peterborough, for reasons that will not become clear at this point.
There was a holy well in the village dedicated to the removed saint that now has also been lost and thus I am starting a campaign to rename the area Villa Amissus