The Apethorpe Walk in words and pictures part 2
This article continues from the review of part 1 of the walk which can be seen here.
At the point where we left the report, you may recall, the entire walking group was under attack from a flock of sheep that had appeared at the top of the hill as we approached. The sheep felt that some of us were about to steal their daily supply of hay and so they moved forth in a menacing manner.
And it was at this point that we discovered that we had a natural shepherd in Jonathan
Clearly, the sheep were alert to the impending crisis and approached the interloper with concern, forming the traditional sheepish phalanx, daring the intruder to take a further step forward.
Quick as a flash Jonathan whisked out his camera while I, alert as ever to impending danger drew up a contract allowing the flock to get suitable financial remuneration should any of these pictures prove to be of commercial value. After some negotiation, we were allowed to pass although the advance patrol monitored our progress carefully.
Indeed it is not widely recognised, I feel, that sheepish society is carefully organised along committee lines, and much debating was to be heard among the herd (and yes I know it is a flock but writing flock is much less droll that “heard” and “herd”) as we passed along our way, Jonathan seeing to the sheep’s well-being as we moved on.
Our next interesting port of call was a tunnel and I would describe this in much detail if I could remember exactly what it was that ran over the top of the tunnel, and thus why it was there, but for the life of me I can’t, so the picture will have to do.
But such lapses of memory, fortunately, do not affect other members of the ensemble as we moved on across what can only be called grassland. If there were another word for it I would indeed put it to use at this point but I am not sure there is. Prairie perhaps, or steppe, or maybe plain.
I thought of “savanna” but that sounds a bit like a “sauna” and then thought meadow might work. Or tundra. I rather like tundra, although am unclear of the meaning.
However, all was not over, for there was next an artwork which was to be found in the garden of the expensive barn conversion near the end of the walk. Its symbolic meaning is now a point of discussion within the Peterborough Ramblers Artwork (Symbolic Meaning) subcommitte, and results of their deliberations will be published here soon.
And yet even then there was one item left to consider on the walk at that was the gun emplacement from the second world war placed strategically below the path of oncoming enemy planes flying low to avoid the radar (or so I am told) while heading for an allies airfield just beyond.
And thus there we have it. Judging from the conversations I had, a splendid time was had by all. I certainly enjoyed the afternoon out and was delighted to follow up the walk with a pint at a most charming public house which indeed was open. Therein the editorial committee considered exactly how this report should be composed. I took detailed notes but subsequently lost them.