The Bainton Walk 23 November 2023: in words and pictures

One of the main activities at the start of any walk (or “ramble” as we like to call it), is the gathering for the official photograph.  Indeed it is from the taking of the official pre-walk photograph that the phrase “I counted them all out, and I counted them all back” arose.  Unless some go missing.

Unfortunately, there are always some members who find it jolly amusing to hide behind the other members and so such pictures are often incomplete, but nevertheless the police do write and thank me after each new walk is recorded here.

Quite why this happens is utterly beyond me but when my current injury is past and I am able march forth (or indeed fifth) once more I shall have words on the subject.  Subject-related words will be heard!  And no mistake.

But back to the plot.  Here is a church.  You can tell it is a church because it is not wearing a hat and has a tower.

Seeing the picture of the church I found a few details of the location which informed me that nearby was Mudhoney Beauty which I thought might well be a historic monument of considerable significance, but it turned out I was mistaken.

Now as you will also appreciate gates are very much a part of our walking experience and indeed I am told that some members of the group have started up a gate collection society and will be opening it up to members in the near future which I do think is a jolly good idea.  [“Opening it up” – ho! ho!]  For it is not always fully appreciated by non-musicians that every gate has its own sound and that in various parts of the country there are gate music (grille de musique) gatherings where the latest concertos are performed to a most respectful and interested audience.

Of course grill de musique is not be be confused with musique concrete which is performed with a cement mixer to wildy appreciative audiences in the Channel Islands.

But of course, a ramble is not about standing around admiring gates and beauty parlours and the like, for there are always fields to be crossed and here we see a perfect example of Le Champ de Bainton, of which it has been said.

Onwards marched the ensemble, never deviating from its path towards a church, and no, this is not the same church for at this stage (unless Simon has deliberately confused me and put the pictures in the wrong order to see what sort of hash I would make of things) this is, in fact, another church.   “But whereupon is this second church?” I hear you gasp, for again it is a magnificent building, but I regret I cannot tell you, for my problems with my back allow me to type away in this jovial manner, but not to walk upon the rough grass and meadow, as it were.

However all is not lost, because there are more pictures to come and I have not included them all at once, for fear of overwhelming you, dear reader, with the magnificence of these surroundings. 

Actually I am going to pause for a moment from my normal jovial chit-chat and what-not to say I find that an absolutely stunning picture.  Not that the others aren’t but there is something about the church tower, and the trees in the foreground that really does encapsulate our countryside.

I must dash now as my carer has come back in shouting “You’re not writing those silly notices again on that computer are you,” and thus I should be gone.

But first one more “shot” as we artistic people like to say… and this not supplied by Simon.

Regard this final picture and observe the carving of a building unknown, a church and a protuberance from the church, this perchance being a tower not photographed in part one by our excellent photographer!

For this is a picture of the sign of Bainton, which has deep symbolic, historic and mystical significances, although I have forgotten what they are.

We may find out more in part two.  Or perhaps not.

Pictures from Simon Bradford (apart from the last one nicked from wikipedia).  Mindless ramblings by Tony Attwood, whose carer is just approaching the calling out stage with its regular cry, “Now you haven’t been playing with that computer thing again have you?”   Forsooth I must go before I am discover-ed.

Part two follows shortly, the pause allowing those of a nervous disposition to consult their GP before venturing forth.   One cannot be too careful.


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