The value of Rambling friendships; 5 Go Wild in Cambridge.
By Tony Attwood
I have to admit that Peterborough Ramblers was not the first Rambling club that I tried. It would however be rather unfair to divulge the name of the other club to whom I might have granted my wit [is that quite the word? – Editor], wisdom [really? – Ed] in organisational skills [oh come on – Ed] but after a couple of walks with one of our neighbouring groups I felt I wanted something a little more, how shall I say, organised.
And so I came across Peterborough Ramblers, my second port of Rambling call. And one of the unexpected benefits I have gained from my transfer, was a set of friendships that have indeed blossomed in the years since. And it made me wonder if this aspect of Rambling is mentioned enough when we talk to people about what Rambling involves.
It began because a few of us fancied a drink after an exacting Thursday walk (well, any excuse) and developed from there so that some of the group (myself not included because of work commitments) have actually travelled en masse (well, all four) to far and distant places (ie, somewhere up north) for a few days Rambling.
But this last Friday, for the first time, I was able to join in with some of this extra-curricular activity – namely a stroll around some of the famous bits of the city of Cambridge, of which I had heard so much but by and large having studied and lived in London, I knew so little.
And so it was that this last Friday, for the first time, I was able to join in some extra-curricula activity – namely a 5-strong stroll around parts of Cambridge followed by a rather lovely lunch.
It was a totally informal occasion involving having places pointed out, bridges to cross, tourists being shunned (we are Walkers not Visitors) and lots and lots of historical what not. Oh yes and a visit into a t-shirt shop in which I bought a t-shirt with a slogan on it.
We are planning on doing it again in the warmer weather and next time joining in the fun of a bit of a punt ride on the side.
Now of course, you may well not wish to share details of anything you’ve got up to as a result of friendships that have developed out of Rambling. But I would stress, if I may, that for me (and it is a very personal observation) these friendships have evolved from being a member of our club, and my life is all the richer for that.
Thus, when talking with anyone about Rambling, I mention both walking and friendships, and I think that mentioning both makes it all the more likely that a potential member will become an actual member. Or at the very least give Rambling a try.