We walk in mud under a sullen sky. But that’s not the point…
Editor’s preliminary: I receive very few written commentaries on our walks, but I do feel the few we have had always form a valuable record. So, if you are on a walk and feel you could put a few words together to describe the event, what you saw, what you talked about, who had forgotten his water bottle, who fell into a ditch, or anything else, I know your fellow walkers would love to read about it.
If you would like to contribute a commentary please email your article to Tony@schools.co.uk
The Rhyall Files…
- The Walk in pictures Part 1
- The Walk in pictures Part 2
- We walk in mud under a sullen sky (this page)
The RYHALL Walk, 6 January 2022
Thursday dawned crisp and bright, promising a fair walk on a fine winter’s day. Sadly, the picture was rather different when the group assembled in Ryhall Village Hall car park. The group had dwindled to a still creditable 18, and the sky was a sullen grey.
Members were barely recognisable amid multiple layers of protective clothing. Our leader, Anne, warned us in her briefing that the muddy route she had reconnoitred could well now be slick and icy, which at least produced a laugh that drowned out any groans…
Undeterred by drifting snowflakes, the intrepid, but still loquacious, group set off up the first field on the very undulating route that was to take us past Ryhall Grange via Tolethorpe Oaks and Tolethorpe. Spirits remained undiminished as the weather turned from snow to drizzle and, finally, rain.
This route normally offers views of interesting livestock; unlike the human Ramblers, they were wisely hibernating in doubtless warm and sheltered locations.
We passed through numerous new-looking kissing gates and transferred fair quantities of mud from one field to another, but few complaints were offered. However, a suggestion that the farmers might appreciate us moving the mud back again by subsequently walking the route in reverse did not get the vote.
Conversation flowed and the muddy miles passed without incident; the prospect of warm cars for the journey home drew us on, and we were pleased to peel off the distinctly damp layers when we completed the circuit.
A new member, David, claimed to have thoroughly enjoyed his first walk with us, and all agreed that it had been ably led in testing conditions.
Other recent articles on the site
- The Orton Walk in pictures.
- The Forthcoming Walks page – walks in January
- Longthorpe: The picture collection from our last walk of 2021
- The photographic record of the 2021 walks – in alphabetical order!
- The second set of Christmas Meal pictures
- The Christmas Meal 2021
- Peterborough Ramblers at Play (a joyful moment’s pause during a Thursday walk)