Alwalton Part 2; delayed pictures and apology the editor
If you have an extraordinarily good memory, and particularly if you were there you might recall that on a rather bright and cheery day way back on 2 January we had a superb walk starting at Alwalton; a walk in the days before snow and the disintegration of all civilisation.
I actually managed to publish the pictures from that walk and then promised more to come… which if you have been paying attention you will realise never did come.
The reason was simple – the snows came to where I live disrupting all life and occasionally all electricity too, and by the time I got myself back together, I found I was so far behind with everything I couldn’t actually remember who I was, what I did or indeed why I did it in the first place.
But then eventually my phone emerged and I found these pictures of brighter and jollier times. Days when there was no snow, and when it was possible to drive a car on the road from my house.
Now in this regard, I have a problem as I live at the top of a hill and to get anywhere I have to drive (or indeed slide) down the hill.
And if that were not enough I then have to drive up a subsequent hill – something that my car seems to find highly objectionable suggesting (in the private conversations we have once I have got the car back to the garage) that if it had known life with me would involve driving up and down snowy hills it would not have allowed himself to be purchased by me in the first place.
And so since I am not financially placed to go out and buy another car, and my current car refuses to allow me to sell it (as the car put it, “these days one just never knows with people”) I have been marooned or possibly marpurpled or even marblued at the top of said hill, unwilling to go down.
But anyway I have now retrieved said phone, given it quite a solid talking to, removed the pictures of part two of the walk, and present them here in all their glory.
Of course, by now you will possibly have forgotten the walk, but I must say I rather enjoyed it, even though it has taken me 10 days or more to publish the second set of pictures.
But I think this tale does show just how difficult life can be for those of an artistic bent (or should that be artistically bent?)
But some of these pictures – especially the one of the river with the sky turning a sort of brown-red colour, I quite like so I thought I would put them up.
And it struck me on doing this that maybe one day we ought to look back at some of the best pictures presented here in days of yore.
In fact the next time I get stuck indoors and/or lose my phone, or generally mess things up I might put up a few pictures from days long gone, and you have to guess where they were.
There won’t be any prizes, because I am far too mean for that, but it might help pass the time of day.
Anyway, this was our walk. As for me, I am still a little bit uncertain on my feet and so don’t want to risk a walk that might be ultra slippery, but I shall be joining you again soon, once I have persuaded the car that it is perfectly safe to emerge from the garage.