Houghton Walk in pics part 3
One of the key factors relating to Peterborough Rambers’ recording of our walks in photographs is that the group has neither a director of publications nor a director of photography, and thus members with cameras are free to take what pictures they like, and the editor of the website is left free to put up what he wishes.
Which in the case of the editor means publishing virtually every picture provided by those who are happy to send their pictures over.
However this is I believe the final collection from 14 April, unless anyone else was taking pictures and hasn’t yet handed them over yet.
But since we are now, at the moment of publication, within one day of the next Thursday walk, I suspect there will not be any more.
But here, once more, we see the watery theme which dominated the whole walk.
Which is not to say that our members became directly engaged with the water itself, but rather that there is water, there are boats, there are landing stages, there are bridges, there are grassy fields, and there are Ramblers.
Oh yes and there was some wild life (which is not a pejorative way of describing our membership).
Some of it was hiding in the brooks some had taken to the land. All of course were treated with great courtesy, ensuring nothing was done to disturb them. They are obviously as entitled to a walk in the countryside as we are.