The Houghton Mill Walk (14 April): the preliminaries
Walking with Peterborough Ramblers is more than just walking of course, for there is the gathering together beforehand, the greeting of long lost friends (well at least those not seen since one week before) and naturally the checking of the register – itself a most serious matter whose origins are lost in the mists of time.
And of course as we gather there are inevitably things to be observed – and as ever our intrepid team of photographers are on hand to capture the sights while waiting for the Leader to take control of proceedings and warn us of dangers and difficulties in the five miles or so to come.
This is naturally also a time for those who feel so inclined to engage in a certain amount of hand waving, while others wait patiently for those who time their arrival to within 30 seconds of departure, to turn up.
We do, however, tend to leave on time, which means genuine late comers quickly learn 1.30pm means start walking at 1.30pm.
But there is still time for a group picture beside a scenic spot… (That’s me at the back).
And then, with formalities done, greetings shared, the register marked, and warnings of any dangers ahead given (on this occasion thankfully none) we can start the grand march.
(Actually, I don’t think it was quite as cloudy as this picture makes out. I blame the photographer.)