The Upwood Walk in pictures

There is indeed a theme in these pictures, and that is the theme of a lack of rain.

There may be a fair degree of cloud cover but if (as I very much hope) Ramblers yet to come, return to these pages in times future, they will begin to see that the land was incredibly dry.

And for a townie like me, brought up in London and for whom rain was a drated nuisance as it meant I got wet on the way to school (as a child) and on the way to work in later years, now I begin (rather late in life but at least later rather than never) that the wet stuff that falls from the sky really does have quite an important impact on our lives.

And of course I do fully appreciate that this attitude is incredibly naive and inward-looking but that’s what happens when one lives in one environment and not others.

It also makes me think how important it is to encourage not just people who have lived in the countryside for many years to come on these walks but to reach out to those who have not had this benefit and actually don’t know what all this farming and horticulture business is all about.

By which I mean, we didn’t have many farms in Tottenham – at least not that I recall.

But as one observes, the process of farming continues.  Others far more knowledgeable about such matters than I will say what is being farmed, but since the task of writing these little commentaries has fallen to me I want to make a point.

Knowing about the countryside, how things work and what is grown there, is not something that everyone has.  I can talk to you for hours on end about certain things, but I need to learn as well.

And learn I did on this walk, not least when a huge bee, measuring at least 15 inches across, launched an unprovoked attack on my left hand.   It can take something like that for one to realise just what country life is all about.

Pictures by Marja and Tom and rambling commentary by Tony.

Footnote: if you are leading a walk and want to avoid a rambling commentary being added to the pictures recording your walk, please do send it to

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