The Clipsham Walk June 2022
Pictures by Jonathan Bridgland, commentary by Sir Hardly Anyone.
Disappearing into the distance is something that Peterborough Ramblers often seem to be doing, at least according to our photographic record, and the Clipsham Walk of June 2022 was no exception.
For indeed distance was there something of which on this walk there seemed to be no end.
Indeed we often found upon occasion that walking upon the road was a more preferable option not least because of the occasional fear that a whacking great sign overhead might fall upon one, just as one was passing by. As it were.
But then we began to find a different landscape – and indeed an extremely confusing landscape if one may say so, for looking one way one might see the wildness and desolation all around while looking the other way one spies the green and pleasant land of which William Blake expostulated (if that is the correct word). (Or come to that the correct poet – one never quite knows these days).
But then as we moved on, multiple signs warned us of what was to come, and we dutifully followed the path and road not venturing upon the forbidden land. And who would ever have known that Cambridgeshire and its surrounding counties should have so many forbidden zones? It was indeed a most shocking discovery for one not used to the locale.
Indeed one expected to find a film crew lurking around the next corner completing perhaps a new episode of Doctor Who or some such programme. But no there was none for therein lay more or the warning signs, and then more and more.
And indeed it soon became clear that the more occupation of villagers in this part of the kingdom was the production of warning notices of all different types. And very profitable it seems to be, keeping many in gainful employment throughout the year.
For it seems this is not just their prime productive output but also their prime export with such signs now being found as far away as distant Northants and unknown and unexplored Norfolk!
Multiple signs warned us of what was to come, and we dutifully followed the path and road not venturing upon the forbidden land. And who would ever have known that Cambridgeshire and its surrounding counties should have so many forbidden zones?
Indeed one expected to find a film crew lurking around the next corner.
And so I feel it might be a good idea at this point to allow you, dear reader, having contemplated sign upon sign as we walked along our merry way wondering indeed if we might ever return to the well worn path our ancestors once trod while seeking their way across this wondrous land, to appreciate that some parts of the walk way had nothing other than a single speed limit sign.
Which I have to say seemed a trifle irrelevant since the chance of your amiable correspondent reaching 20 mph was slight indeed. But maybe some of the locals are indeed faster than I am
But our intrepid leader told us to have no fear, for we would return from the wilderness and of course eventually we did.
But not before we had gone this way and that, hither and thither and indeed some more.
Fortunately, however none of our party was lost, for being lost in such a land could mean one might never be seen again – and indeed that is why we have back markers for whom one should raise a merry three cheers and a hearty thank you.
You will perceive us walking away thither and hither eternally into the distance, occasionally finding the greenery of which I speak and occasionally not, as wasteland and Greenland interspersed themselves, as it were.
But I leave you with one more picture. That such a land as this should be in our prime and glorious fair county!